Archive for February, 2013

Attention SLOW Drivers: for the most part, you must stay out of the left hand lane!

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Isn’t this common sense for anyone with a license?  I thought everyone knew the left hand lane was intended for passing, not leisurely driving.  Driving slow in the passing lane is about as egotistically self centered as it gets; the whole world should slow down because of you, right?  Others should dangerously be forced to pass in the right lane because you are just that special, right?  Let’s cut to the chase: you are not ‘entitlted’ to obstruct the reasonable flow of traffic.  You must follow the law like everyone else.

Missouri Revised Statute Section 304.015 is titled “Drive on right of highway…”.  The law won’t get any more clearer than that people.  Drive in the right hand lane stupid!

Section 304.015.2(1)-(4) reads as follows:

2. Upon all public roads or highways of sufficient width a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows:

(1) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction pursuant to the rules governing such movement;

(2) When placing a vehicle in position for and when such vehicle is lawfully making a left turn in compliance with the provisions of sections 304.014 to 304.025 or traffic regulations thereunder or of municipalities;

(3) When the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair;

(4) Upon a roadway designated by local ordinance as a one-way street and marked or signed for one-way traffic.

There you have it folks.  The general rule is you must drive in the right hand lane, and there are 4 exceptions: 1) passing, 2) turning left, 3) right hand lane is closed, and 4) one way city streets.  That’s it.  If you are driving in the left hand lane for any other purpose you are no better than a common criminal.  Please respect the rules of the road and those around you.  Stay out of the left hand lane unless you have a lawful purpose to be there.